Since taking this Visual Literacy course I have started to look at the visuals in my life differently. There are literally visual all around me, so it has had a huge impact on my life. One of the main examples is the critical eye I now have on the world around me, especially when I see advertisers and companies using sex to help sell a product. It is degrading to both men and women to use their bodies and the idea of sex to help sell products and in my opinion it is time for it to go.
While I was watching TV one day, I could not believe the commercial I was watching. They were implying this woman was asking different men to "join the mile high club" with her. In the end it ended up being about a burger, but even after this was announced, she ate the burger as sexually as possible. Before this class I would not have thought anything about this commercial, as I have seen it time and time again, but now my eyes are always on the hunt. I also feel more educated about the topic and find myself speaking up about it. When I saw this commercial I brought up to roommate how inappropriate I thought the commercial was and thought they could have done it with a new and exciting approach. I think it is time ad developers lose the old way of using "sex to sell" and become innovative and set a new and higher standard in the field of advertising.
Check out the commercial here:
Mile High Bacon Thickburger
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